Live, Laugh, Crochet 'n' Love.

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Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Amy doll

 Hello again!

Been a while since I made a new project. I haven't come up with anything new this month but I came up with something for my niece. I decided to make her a doll, which I named Amy. Hopefully she likes the name as much as the doll.

Dolls are other favourites of mine and I enjoy making them for my nieces. I first got the hand of it by following Beth Webber's Free Spirit amigurumi tutorials. Theres where I learnt all I can about dolls, and decorating them.I have had interest in them ever since. 

I made the to be worn inside out too. Must say, crocheting with crochet cotton takes me quite a lot of time but they're always pretty in the end.

And I cannot stop myself from taking photos of her! :)

This work is a mixture of 'Magdalena doll' with facials similar to Beth's doll making
Shes just too cute!

This is Beth's link. Do follow it up to see the kind of dolls she makes and to download the magdalena doll on pdf follow up this link

Enjoy! :)

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